The only messenger that goes into your future before you is prayer. Prayer is the only key that you can send into your future to open the door of "impossibilities" no wonder Bible says "Pray without ceasing because men ought to pray and not faint", when you cease to pray.......hmmmmm you're open to attack.
The way people progress in the spirit is to till, to weed, to water, to nurture, and to dress every seed of the spirit given to them,never let any revelation go unattended to at times you can keep a revelation alive for 5 or more years.
Let it not die, fuel it with prayers and gradually you will understand better and grow deeper to the very depth of the Spirit. When God reveal things to you, it's not just for you to see it but to take action,right the wrong,go into the future.
A lot of bad things wouldn't have happened if you take action. Your dreams, revelations and visions ain't some Zeeworld or Orisun movies. Dreams can be paused and played. Same as visions but it takes maturity to be able to do it consciously. Our dreams are continuous,we need to prayerfully attend to one before we'll be shown the next stage.
If you don't believe so strongly in your dreams, to wake up and pursue it, it will not become a reality, it'll only be a dream, remain as a dream and die as a dream.
Pray your dream to reality, war your dream to reality, bring alive your dream to reality. Many solutions to problems has been given through dreams but we ain't praying them into reality and e make it look as if God is delaying.
Many dreams have died, many prophecies seems prolonged, many revelations are not coming to reality.
Many visions are still hanging because many are just dreaming dreams, receiving revelations, piling visions, without paying the price of birthing them into reality🥺. Bring them to life through prayers🥺🙌. God doesn't delay, you're the one who's not aligning and bringing them to reality.
Prayer changes a lot of situations, prayers right the wrong, adjust the unadjustable. Prayers brings to life God's promises. If there's a man who PRAYS, there's a GOD who ANSWERS.
Hannah Oluwadamilola Akinwande
Pen of the ready Writer✍️
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