We all lose hope sometimes😢. We get stuck in a career we don’t love or get laid off from our dream job. We find ourselves involved in a messy breakup. We lose a loved one to longtime disease or a sudden accident,many attimes we would doubt the existence and love of God.

In the wake of these soul-shaking events, the world can seem awfully dark. But for believers, the tough times are when we lean on our faith the most. Often times, that means reading over Bible verses about hope in an effort to revitalize your own.

During times of despair, we rely on God to calm our anxiety, get us back on our feet, and give us hope that we can survive anything the world throws at us. If you’re feeling a bit low and your faith needs a little boost, kneel before your creator and talk to Him, read some bible verses, then confirm the unforgettable words of God.

Sandra Oluwadamilola Akinwande